On 8th September in a solemn atmosphere Kuzbakov Mazhit Hamitovich was escorted to his well-deserved rest, he was director of the Aktobe Higher Medical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova. The gala evening «Дара жол» was dedicated to the work activity of the head of the prestigious educational institution, who began as a surgeon in the medical sanitary department of «Tengizneftegaz» in the Atyrau region from 1987 to 2023. The event was attended by representatives of the region’s healthcare and education, the «Senim» trade union of healthcare workers, healthcare and college veterans.
The head of the health department of the Aktobe region Rustem Isaev read out a congratulatory letter from the head of the region Askhat Shakharov. Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Union of Medical Colleges of Kazakhstan congratulated online. The badge on behalf of the Union of Medical Colleges «Медициналық Білім беруді дамытуға қосқан үлесі үшін» was presented by the head of the Health Department.
Mazhit Hamitovich is a qualified specialist and leader, fluent in planned and emergency surgery and endovideosurgery in practical medicine, a surgeon of the highest category, combining educational and medical activities, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, with extensive experience in the field of healthcare, author of more than 45 scientific works, during the leadership of the college for 13 years, he sought to carry out the work of the educational institution in accordance with international education standards, colleagues from practical healthcare, the regional education department and college veterans spoke about these and other achievements. Mazhit Hamitovich is known in the region and the republic as a leader with high organizational skills who has applied innovative approaches in the training of qualified mid-level medical workers. For his services, he was awarded the badges of the Ministry of Health, Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Ы.Алтынсарин», «Excellence in the Health Care Trade Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «For contribution to the development of health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan», «Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly».
Having thanked Kuzbakov Mazhit Hamitovich for his achievements in his work, the head of the health department in the official part of the event introduced the newly appointed director of the college – Kapanov Saken Tazhigereevich.