On May 30, 2023, another pedagogical meeting was held at the college.
The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council:
- Analysis of the percentage content of the educational and methodological complex for each specialty
- The value of the social partner in the organization of professional practice of students.
- Analysis and reporting on compliance with the requirements of the electronic version of educational documentation in the PLATONUS information program.
In conclusion, at the beginning of the academic year, when creating a personal plan for the teacher, the college staff should develop and approve the teaching materials (educational and methodological complex of the subject) for full coverage of all specialties, intensify work on concluding agreements with social partners to further improve the work “Education, science in nursing “and the trinity of experience” within the framework of the “road map”, an increase in the number of mentors from among the nurses of the National Medical Center, meetings with employers and mentors every year on the “Employer’s Day”, etc. maintaining documents of strict accountability when filling out electronic journals of subject teachers.