"Educating a Child is Our Work"
Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova At Aktobe Medical College May 18, 2018, at 3 pm “Educating a Child is Our Work”
The parents’ meeting was held on the subject. Samal Mussayevna, deputy director of the Aktobe Medical College,

presented the meeting: the protocol of the regional parent assembly, held on 21.04.2018,organized by the Head of the Education Department of Aktobe region Urazbayeva LA.

In this regard, the college’s parents meeting has been held in all groups and brought to the attention of the public. Today we are assembled to create a concept for a general college. Briefly about the events held at the college. Fathers recommended to create a fathers’ council to boost their reputation.

The chairman of the parent committee, Nurlan Izdenovich, commented on the attendance at the regional parent’s meeting and raised the issue. At the initiative of Aktobe Medical College Deputy Director for Educational Affairs Samal Musayevna, the college noted that all the necessary measures were taken to parents and students. The college said a parent meeting was held and parents were informed about it. Leadership of the Leader of the Nation: Spiritual Renaissance. Regarding the national code article.Participants of the meeting were the following: informing, consulting, psychological, informational, consultative, informational, consultative, informational, consultative, counseling, , legal assistance, and the protection of students’ rights, were discussed and discussed during the twenty-four-hour workshop and the establishment of the fathers council.