Parents Committee of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Aktobe Medical College named after Manshuk Mametova!

On November 9, 2017, a meeting of the parent committee of the college was held by Nurlan Izdenovich, Chairman of the Parent Committee of the Aktobe Medical College of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Manshuk Mametova at 16.00.The meeting was attended by deputy director on educational work Samal Musaevna, members of the parent committee Gulnar Serikovna, Zhanagul Yestayevna, Zarina Ayazbayevna, Galiya Tulebayevna and colleague psychologist Moldir Bisengalievna.

Prior to the meeting, the Hero of the Soviet Union was introduced to the college museum named after Manshuk Mametova. During the meeting of the Parent Committee, the following issues were discussed: acquaintance with the annual plan of the parent committee, participation in college activities, clarification of the internal discipline of the college, discipline, respect for contracts, the Charter, knowledge of documents required under the law, education, becoming a good professional, contributing to the social work of the college, explaining the responsibilities of the student council, actively participating in setting up a safe student life, student how to protect the information we do not need, how to provide students with road safety, how to protect our students from non-traditional religious movements, look to the future: clarify what needs to be done on the spiritual upgrade program, how college board posts work and what their main tasks are.