Historical and cultural heritage of Aktobe region
September 27, 2018, implementing the program «Рухани жаңғыру» on «Қойнауына сыр бүккен Ақтөбе өңірі» team of Aktobe higher medical college named after a hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova organized a trip to the patriotic center «Алия», which is located in the village named Aliya Moldagulova Kobda District Aktobe region.

The inhabitants of the village distinguished themselves by their hospitality; they organized an evening in the house of culture called «Шығыстың қос шынары» with the participation of students. The director of the center «Алия», Бағдаш Абдіжалиқызы, introduced those present to the history of the museum fund. They discussed global themes of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and respect for their homeland.

The trip continued with an excursion to the mausoleum of the son Асан Қайғы Абат-Байтақ, which is located in the village of Taldysay. The head of the Historical Museum Khobda branch of the Aktobe region, Такенов Қонысбек, introduced the history of the Абат-Байтақ mausoleum and the history of the «Қыз моласы» or «Әулие Қыз» mausoleum. Here are 200 monuments that were built in the XVIII-XX centuries

Having visited the homeland of Aliya Moldagulova, inheriting historical values, the youth absorbed the spirit of camaraderie and patriotism.