«Fair of vacancies»
04/07/2017. in the Aktobe Medical College MKRK, in order to provide graduates with work, with the support of national and local programs, deputy director Z.S. Alipova and teachers L.E. Abdullina, L.U.Karagaeva, having increased the opportunity to find a job, they organized a regional seminar ” Fair of vacancies “on the definitions of the direction of the attitude, consultation and informing the graduates.
From several medical institutions to the “Job Fair”:
-№6 City polyclinic
– Regional Perinatal Center
– LLP «Zheldorfarmatsiya»
-«Biosphere» LLP
-Khobdinsky district hospital
-Laboratory Center «Invivo»
-State University K.Zhubanov
-Khromtau district clinic
The student polyclinic. K.Zhubanov
The senior nurses and heads of the personnel departments and students asked them different questions. Many graduates registered for free vacancies and had an opportunity to work in these medical institutions in the future.