Рsychological service
Rakhimova Kyzgaldak Askarkyzy
Work experience: 3 years
Education: Higher education, Aktobe Regional State University named
after K. Zhubanov.
Seyit Sharbanu Nurhankyzy
Work experience: 5 years
Education: Higher education, Kazakh-Russian
international university
Dear students!
Sometimes anyone wants to be listened to and understood, given advice, given free rein to his thoughts, feelings, and demanded a lot of support and Advice from him. We want to purify our thoughts, push out of us a variety of emotions.
Therefore, tell your secrets, talk to your parents, teachers, friends and family, and if no one understands you at this moment, dear young students, friends, we will always find support and help for you! Life is an inimitable time for you! Let’s appreciate the ardent youth and precious time!!!
The main activities of the psychological service at the college: The psychological service at the college works in the following areas:
psychodiagnostic work
psychological education (prevention)
psychological prevention
psychocorrection (psychocorrection) and development
psychological counseling
Psychological diagnostics is an area that provides a scientific justification for the deviation from the norm of the features of interpersonal development of students and parents. The purpose of psychological diagnostics: the study of individual and age characteristics of personality, interpersonal relationships. The main task of psychological diagnostics is to give teachers the necessary information about the individual psychological characteristics of children. Before starting psychological diagnostics, during the school year it is necessary to explain the goals and objectives of the tests, collect their written permissions, hands.
Psychological education (prevention) – providing a teacher, parents, student with psychological knowledge, bringing news. The purpose of psychological education is to prevent accidents in the mental and personal development of the individual, to increase the psychological competence of teachers, parents. Preparation of lectures, talks, workshops, parent meetings, exhibitions, memos for psychological education. Creating conditions for a happy life for children at the present time. That is, through psychological education of adults, to make sure that this is the main problem.
The following types of college psychologists help you can get:
-Develop a methodology for studying your behavior;
-Receipt of useful information on the results of the application of methods.
-Receive individual and group consultations;
-Participation in trainings
– The main types of work:
– Methodology;
– Individual council, group council;
– Training;
– Small lectures.
When to turn to a psychologist for help
– If you find it difficult to adapt to student life;
– If you want to raise self-esteem and confidence in yourself;
– If you want to find out for yourself;
– If you lose a loved one;
– If you can’t find a way out of life’s hardships;
– If it seems that your parents do not like you;
– If you have experienced a «transitional» period in your life and consider it a crisis situation.