Director of college
A candidate of medical sciences, an associate professor
Higher category of doctor on general surgery

Kuzdybayeva Almagul Amangholovna
Deputy of director on educational work
Higher category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 96-11-32

Deputy Director for Educational and Industrial Practice
Yeskazina Gulzhainar Talgatovna
The first category of teacher
Master of Medical Sciences in the specialty “Nursing”
Contact information: 8(7132)961130

Alipova Zamziya Sailauovna
Deputy Director of the Center for Nursing Development of the Aktobe region
Higher category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 96-11-30

Tazhibaeva Samal Musaevna
Deputy of director on extracurricular work
First category of teacher

Toleev Ixlas Madreyuly
Deputy of director on economic work
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-53

The head of human resoursers department
The specialist of the higest category, the inspector of
resoursers department
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-55

Yeleuova Bolgan Azbergenovna
manager of educational part
Information for contacts:: 8 (7132) 96-11-36

Yeskazina Gulzhainar Talgatovna
The head of “Nursing Affair” department, qualification “Applied bachelor” First category of teacher Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-53 Geskazina@bk.ru
Abilova Aksamal Satybaevna
Higher category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-53

Kenzhebaeva Saginysh Baurzhanovna
First category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-18-70

Dinashova Zhadra Berikovna
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 96-11-32

Dzhunusova Lyazzat Seitkasymovna
Head of«Curative Affair», «Nursing Affair» departments.
Education: higher.
Category : specialist of higher category .

Bisenbina Zhangul Almatovna
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-53
The first category specialist

Tobazhanova Rosa Rustemovna
“Dentistry”, “Laboratory diagnosis”, “Pharmaceuticals”, “Hygiene and Epidemiology”, “Prosthetic Dentistry” head of the department. Higher education.
The second category specialist.

Baigazy Zhanagul Zhansultanovna
First category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-04-53

Kurmangalieva Ulzhan Usenovna
A chairman of trade-unioncommittee
First category of teacher
Information for contacts: 8 (7132) 40-05-49