October 1, 2022, in honor of the holiday «Ұлағатты ұстаз» at the Higher Medical College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova. There were competitions in volleyball and table tennis among teachers. The purpose of the competition is to support a healthy lifestyle in the team, the formation of team cohesion. Our college associations took part in the competition. By games Volleyball was attended by «College Administration», CMC «Information Technologies», also teachers of the faculties: «№1 Special subjects», «№2 Special subjects», «Pharmacy», «Anatomy», «Dentistry», «General humanitarian», «General education», «Nursing».

At the end of the game:
CMС Team
1 place «General humanitarian» and «General education»
2 place team «Administration»
3 place was won by the team «Special Subjects»

Tennis scores:

Men's team:
1 place - Dauletov Nurbolat
2 place - Narmagambetov Bolatbay
3 place - Seksenbay Zamanbek

Team of girls
1 place - Kaukakova Guldana
2 place - Aripova Asem
3 place - Shukanova Sulu

The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and cash prizes from the trade union organization.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой