"Prevention of coronavirus infection COVID 19"

At the Aktobe Higher Medical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union M. Mametova, teachers of the Special Disciplines №1 Center held a regional online conference on the topic “Prevention of coronavirus infection COVID 19” The purpose of the event: Discussion of the prevention of the current global pandemic COVID-19, aimed at the source of infection, transmission routes and susceptibility of the body. The conference was attended by:

1.Sarsenbaeva Bakytkul Kalillaiovna – doctor – epidemiologist of the State Enterprise “Kargalinskaya City Hospital”

2. Akhmetova Gulsana Amandykovna – senior nurse of the State Enterprise “Kargaly City Hospital”

3. Sidasheva Gulnar Tarikhovna – doctor of the Center for Healthy Lifestyle in Aktobe

4.Baktybaev Nurkeldi Abdisattaruly – doctor-narcologist, forensic medical expert, resident of ZKMU named after M. Ospanov The conference participants made their reports on preventive measures in the focus of infection, health education and vaccination among the population.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой