Participation of students in the II International scientific and practical conference
On 31.03.2021, students of the college took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Results of scientific research of students: analysis and problems”online. The purpose of the conference was to exchange scientific and practical experience of young applicants in social and humanitarian, natural, technical and medical sciences, to form new knowledge in these areas, to develop cognitive and intellectual creative activities. Conference objectives: Promotion and promotion of research activities of young people. The diploma of the III degree was received by the 2nd year student of the specialty “Applied Bachelor of Nursing” Yerubaeva Nazken who took the III place, the topic of the scientific work: “The significance of the work of a nurse in interventional cardiology” scientific supervisors Karshyga A. A., Dinashova Zh. B., The diploma of the III degree was received by the 1st year student of the specialty “Applied Bachelor of Nursing” Burkhanova Aliya, the topic of the scientific work: ” Effectiveness of nursing interventions in the care of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident ” scientific supervisors Tleulesova V. I., Turganbayeva G. A., the certificate for participation was received by the 2nd year student of the specialty “Nursing” Bisembayeva Nurkhanym, the topic of the scientific work: ” The role of the nurse during vaccination periods ” scientific supervisors Ayazkhan U. B., Zaylagieva N. A. At The end of the conference, the abstracts will be published in the collection of the scientific and practical conference