Between a university student and a college student in the context of strengthening professional ties
On the 5th of February 5, 2021 year ZOOM – “Stages of improving the system of nursing education” among first-year students and graduates of the University with an academic degree “Bachelor of Applied Nursing” specialty “Nursing” specialty Aktobe Higher Medical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova A round table was held on the platform. The purpose of the event: to share the experience of academic, applied bachelor’s degree in nursing with the younger generation with the prospects for future improvement of the profession of nursing and to increase the interest of college students in the future profession The guests of this round table were the first graduates of the applied bachelor Akhetova S.S, Akbalieva A.M , double degree Master of the Kazakh-Finnish University of Applied Sciences, Deputy Director for Methodological Work of the College Eskazina G.T and our colleagues: Karshiga A.K, a graduate student of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov “Nursing Affair”, a graduate of the West Kazakhstan Institute of Nursing named after Emily, Tleulesova V.I with a bachelor’s degree in “Nursing Affair”. During the round table, our guests shared their experiences and were able to fully answer questions from students. Organizers of the event: teachers of CMC “Nursing Affair”