Placement in a college dormitory has started !!!

Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.12.2020 № 548 on the basis of the order “Guidelines for the organization of the educational process in secondary education in the period of restrictive measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection” began placement in college dormitories. Based on the results of consideration of applications, the tender commission will work on the allocation of places in the dormitory. Accommodation in the dormitory is carried out in accordance with the standard. Taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological requirements, students will be placed in 75 out of 150 places. Allocation of students from dormitories is carried out taking into account the following grounds and sequence. First of all: – 1st year students of Aktobe region
– Orphans and students left without parental care;
– Students with disabilities (groups I, II);
– Students of large families;
– Students from low-income families;
– For minors: (If there is a vacancy, it will be given to students of other regions and 2nd and 3rd year students)
Documents for accommodation in the dormitory:
1. An application in the prescribed form;
2. Identity document;
3. Document confirming social status (if any);
4. A copy of the death certificate of the parents (for orphans);
5. Certificate of having 4 or more children in the family (for children from large families); follow this link