Meeting of the Aktobe Regional Coordination Council

Center for Nursing Development of Aktobe region held the next Coordination Council. The meeting of the council was held on January 8, 2021 on the basis of the college. The Coordinating Council was attended by chief nurses, senior nurses, key specialists in the field of nursing of medical organizations of Aktobe region. The meeting of the Coordinating Council was opened by M.K. Hero of the Soviet Union M. Mametova “who spoke about the development prospects and work plans of the Central Dispatching Center of Ao. With the report” Professional standard: “Educational and scientific activities in the field of health care”.Guidelines for the clinical practice of students of applied bachelor’s degree, namely the role and tasks of mentors “was made by the chairman of the CMC” Nursing “Tleulesova V.I. National trainers on Clinical Nursing Guidelines Dementievskaya N.V. and Bigeldinova I.A. made a report on the importance of training nurses based on Clinical Nursing Guidelines. The reports noted that CSR is based on evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursing practice. Incorporating nursing guidelines into the professional clinical environment ensures that the patient receives the highest quality care. Deputy Director for CDSD Ao Alipova Z.S. made a presentation on the additions and changes to the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 20, 2020 ҚR DSM-283/2020. “On the approval of the rules for confirming the results of continuous professional development of health workers.” in the discussion of reports, made proposals to the work of the coordinating council.

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой