Open week of CMC «Pharmacy»
From December 10 to December 15, 2018 in Aktobe Higher medical college specialties on «Pharmacy» department held the week of open classes.During the opening, the chairman of the CMC Karagaeva L.U. introduced studentsa to the history and everyday life, achievements and plans of the CMC «Pharmacy».

The following teachers conducted open classes:Karagaeva L.U. conducted classes on theme «Liquid drugs» – Group 213 “Pharmacy” department,
Kaldybaeva N.N. conducted classes on theme «Introduction to the history of pharmacology. General formulation» – Group 212 «Pharmacy» department,

Nurzhanova R.G. «Organization and implementation of the pharmacy warehouse» – Group 322 «Pharmacy» department, Sarieva Zh. «General pharmacology» – Group 117 «Curative Affair» department.All classes were held with the use of various teaching methods, as well as communication skills, video films and others.

The teachers successfully used different interactive methods and new technologies on their classes.