Open week on the theme "The future through the eyes of youth"
From november 12 to november 17,2018 by the teaches of the Social and Economic discilines SMK,the head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev hold a weekly meeting on the theme of the future youth as part of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on the welfare Improvement Strategy og Kazakhstan.

During the week A.Karabasova is a team of 116 team mates in the fight for the presevation of Kazakhstan’s state hood and integtity
During the open lesson on the second stage of the Kazakh people’s national liberation movement, the self-study conducted interesting lessons by giving various tasks of cognitive character.On November 14 A.Dilmukhamedova «Казахское ханство во второй половине XVI в » 112 group for people with limited abilities Specialty «Orthopedic Stomatology» held a lesson in the classroom with the help of group of students being compassionate and brotetive of psychological safety.

On november 15, A.Tlembaeva conducted a lesson on the world history «Международные отношения во время Второй мировой войны».

In addition,L.Abdullina organized conference-lesson on the theme «Қазақстандағы ауыл шаруашылығын құрудың Сталиндік-Голощекиндік үлгісі»

G.Darmenova conducted an open lesson in the of «Философия тарихы» in group 119 «Pharmacy»

On the last day of the week A.Myrzagulova 117 group on the speciality «curative affair» completed an open lesson with using interactive methotson the topic of «Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық құқық негіздері»