The open week CMC "special disciplines №1"
In the period from the 29thof October to 3rdof November in 2018, the CMC “Special Disciplines №1” held an open week, where LLMIK teachers held an open lesson: the subject of Medical Parasitology on the topic “ Microphysiological features of the class of insects, such as cockroaches, lice, bugs and group of dipterous insects “ by KosaevK.; on the subject of Microbiology, by Kulumbetova R. on the theme “The spread of disease by airborne droplets.” And by Karabaeva Sh.on the topic
«Pathogen of the whooping coughdesesase», On the subject of General Hygiene by Sagnaeva G. on the theme “atmospheric hygiene” and by Rabaeva G. helded open lesson on the theme «Water and water supply». The open week CMC ” special disciplines №1 “achieved its objectives and was evaluated positively.