“The best nurse – 2018”

Of February 28 in  2018, the “ The Best Nurse “ competition took place in the “Nursing “ department. The purpose  of the  competition: to assess the quality of vocational  training of graduates in the specially of “Nursing”.

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The competition is aimed at stimulating the creative growth of students and identifying the most gifted and talented students.

The title “The best nurse – 2018” was won by Zhonysova Aigerim.

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   According to the results of the competition were awarded:  The I place Shegebaeva Arailym  the  II place – of Jandullina Nazerke,   the III place – Miftakhova Ramila,  The student of 406 Group  Ramazanova Dinara won the nomination “The best presentation”.  Duisenbaeva  Zhadyra  was awarded  with a literary certificate  “For special skills”.

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой