"Жау қайтарған жалғыз"
Encouragement of descendants to patrotism, valor, loyalty. In order to instill in students a sense of patriotism at the Aktobe Higher Medical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova, on October 23, took place a regional patriotic event “Zhau Kaitarkan zhalgyz” dedicated to the birthday of Manshuk Mametova. During the event, the song “Manshuk-Kaysar, Kagarman” sounded, and the invited guests laid flowers at the monument.
2 of our students, recognized as the best, received certificates for a personal scholarship named after Manshuk Mametova, which is traditionally held at the college. The certificate was presented in his own hand by the director of the college.
The head of the trade union organization of medical workers “Senim” Sabyr Kanat Kairatovich awarded 5 of our students with a personal scholarship from the regional branch of the Republican Public Association “Senim”. The event was held at its own level. The name Manshuk – eternal, the image will forever remain in the heart!