Zoom-meeting with graduates with the qualification " applied bachelor of nursing"
On 15.12.2020, a zoom-meeting was held with students of the applied bachelor of nursing, in order to familiarize themselves with the content, stages, structure of the thesis, the main requirements based on the guidelines for higher medical colleges in the implementation of the applied bachelor’s program. The final stage of training applied bachelors is the defense of theses approved by the scientific Council of the College. The graduate’s thesis is the basis of the research work of the future specialist-applied bachelor of nursing. The purpose of the thesis is to systematize, consolidate and expand theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the specialty, aimed at the practical solution of technical and social problems based on evidence-based nursing practice. The results of theses allow us to introduce new approaches to standards in solving nursing problems and problems of nursing care. To find new approaches in the practice of a nurse, taking into account the obtained scientific data. A master class on working with databases for searching existing literature and writing a literature review was demonstrated. Questions about the choice of material and methods of research, collection and processing of practical material, the basic principles of presenting research results in a thesis are discussed.