Totheentrant 2021

Dear Applicant!
If you decide to devote yourself to medicine, we are ready to provide you with all the conditions for a prestigious education.
Aktobe Medical College was organized in 1935. Today SCE “Aktobe Higher Medical College named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova” on PVC, which has a history of more than 80 years in the educational services market, is licensed to train specialists for the entire spectrum of medical specialties.
The college has a good material and technical base: 2 educational buildings with fully equipped classrooms, simulation rooms of preclinical practice in all specialties. The clinical base of the college is all medical institutions of the city and region. The regional simulation center operates on the basis of the GKP “Aktobe Higher Medical College named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova” on the REU. For non-resident students provided a hostel.

Documents for admission:
1. The original document of education (certificate and certificate of UNT for graduates of this year)
2. Medical certificate on the form number 086-U with a X-ray image (for disabled people of І and II groups and disabled since childhood, the conclusion of medical and social expertise)
3. 4 photos size 3×4
4. ID card
Information for the applicant
To submit documents, the applicant applies to the college, either to the Platonus program, or to the “electronic government” web portal and provides a package of documents in accordance with the standard of the public service “Acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education”