College History
History of the College dates back to 1935. On the basis of the order №279 by the People’s Commissariat of August 4, 1935 in Aktyubinsk it organized biennial School of Nursing general.
The school was located in the seven-year school building №3 (Gorky Street). The school accepts students with a certificate of graduation in the amount of not less than five years. School had no full-time teachers. Medical discipline taught local doctors, teaching general subjects were invited teachers of secondary schools and senior students of Aktobe Pedagogical Institute.
For students who do not speak Russian, introduced the staff interpreters, who were also chosen from among the students of the Pedagogical Institute.
The first director of the School of Nursing was M.Nugmanov, who has worked in this position until 1938.
From December 1938 to February 1, 1940 director was Aman D. The school still does not have its own building and huddled in unsuitable areas for employment.
February 1, 1940 Aman D. dismissed and director of the school of nurses assigned G.P.Batura.
A special page in the history of the college was the Great Patriotic War. Work Experience Director Batura GP was interrupted in connection with a call to the front. The Acting Director of the school was appointed professor of anatomy Hudasheva Lydia V., who later worked for many years as the head of the bone-tuberculosis sanatorium “The Seagull.”
In 1941, the school received a building favors hospital in Lenin Street 10 (now Aiteke – Bi), consisting of 15 rooms, 5 of which were occupied by patients, 10 rooms have been allocated for training rooms and a dormitory.
Two months later, the school was evicted from this room.
Classes are held in the Department of Education building, school №1, in the room of a hospital. The school continued its work in the most difficult conditions of wartime.
There was a shortage of textbooks, paper and ink. Rooms in which conducted classes,were not heated. Students systematically underfed, but continued to study, knowing that their knowledge and skills are needed at the front and in the rear.
Graduate of School of Nursing Mordvinova Bizyaeva RN recalled: “We are often in the classroom raised the alarm on the transportation of wounded to the hospital train. Our practice took place in the hospital where we were doing any work: caring for seriously ill patients, bandages washed, cleaned the room. It is terrible and painful to remember what we had to endure. We have seen the pain and suffering of our soldiers, crippled by war. But many of the closest people were at the front: fathers, brothers, husbands … “
“Overcoming all the difficulties, we have tried to do everything for the front and Victory. We had never occurred to miss a class, being late or not fulfill the set. “
In 1942, the school learned to just two groups. They were mostly women, worked as a nurse. Many of the older course went to the front.
Given the increased need for nurses, nurses, instructors in medical school, it was decided to organize the accelerated short-term training courses for nurses. These courses trained 172 nurses.
Many graduates of medical schools were sent to the front. They participated in the fighting, and many of them have been awarded by government awards. School nurses prepared not only experts, but also brought up patriots of their country. It Dyachenko FI, Lemasheva EN, Klemnaya AF, Ganja And, Barnabas, IN
Barnabas IN was awarded the 9th government awards, had the rank of lieutenant of medical service, the command was sent to study at the Military Medical Academy.
Batura Gerasim Potapovich came back from the front, December 10, 1945, he again led the work of school nurses.
In 1944, 38 people were released.
In November 1945, the school was placed in the building at 10 Lenin Street.
Since 1950, the school, along with the release of general nurses preparing nurses for children’s hospitals.
In 1954, on the basis of the USSR Council of Ministers on May 15, 1954 №919 for nursing school was reorganized into medical school.
From December 1949 to May 1973 Vlasov VS worked as the director of the medical school The school was located in the building on Lenin’s address, 10. The school was a dormitory for 60 persons. Just 140 students educational. The staff of the school consists of 13 employees. there was no full-time teachers. It lacked textbooks and teaching aids. The school did not have the necessary training facilities, experienced difficulties caused by the post-war period.
In 1952, for persons who do not have a complete medical education, evening department was organized at the school.
Aktobe medical school was located in a building on Lenin Street, 10 (now Aiteke-bi) The material base of the institution has been very modest:. It is dilapidated, cramped, cold house with stove heating, no running water and sewage. Classes are conducted in 4 classrooms. Students sit three men at the desk. There was a laboratory with visual aids. The library was located in 2 rooms, completely cluttered shelves with books. More than three-four students could not get to the library at the same time, there was no dining room, no buffet.
During these years, the first graduates of the groups to prepare nurses for children’s health care institutions were given diplomas, and the college was granted the right to send excellent students to continue their education at the Almaty Medical Institute.
During these years, the first graduates of the groups to prepare nurses for children’s health care institutions were given diplomas, and the college was granted the right to send excellent students to continue their education at the Almaty Medical Institute.
First it was awarded this honor student Dubova Rita. Later graduates from medical school ,studied at the medical institute: Tamara Sorokina, Salieva Sonia Kusumbetova X Lebedev E Novikov S., J. Usenko, Trinity T. Makeyev LI Marchenko and others.
Open medical assistant and obstetrical offices (on the basis of 8 classes with a 3-year term of study and on the basis of 10 classes with a 2-year training period).
From 1954 to 1958 grams at the school there for the preparation of the evening department of general nurses and paramedics.
In 1964 branches were opened on the basis of large regional hospitals Aktobe region:
• Alga,
• Bayganinsky,
• Karabutaksky,
• Martuk,
• Novorossiysk,
• Temir,
• Hobdinsky,
• Uilsky,
• Chelkarsky.
In 1958, the first full-time teachers at the school were: Senin MI (pediatrician), Glavzdunovich EN (Infectious diseases), Zhuravskaya IV (teacher of Russian language and literature), ZI Zibershteyn (Necropsy). They were all true masters of their craft. Head teacher was M.P.Hanova.
A major role in the education of the students belonged to the Komsomol and trade union organizations of school. Good initiative was developed, sports clubs were working
In 1958, the college athletes took part in the Republican contest among secondary specialized schools Kaz. SSR and took 8th place out of 60.
Each year during the summer students did more work on the harvest in the state and collective farms in our area.
From 1961 until 1970 Fomina ZI worked as Deputy Director on study
In 1964, the school was famous for its athletes. They occupied one of the first places in the city and the region. Teams of volleyball, swimming, athletics, skating, all-round complex GTO- city champions and skiers basketball players, tennis players, strelki- at the II-nd place.
A major event in the life of the school was the fact that the transfer of the school on the national budget, which resulted in an improvement of financing and allocations for the construction of a new building.
During these years, the teaching staff supplemented by regular teachers of general education subjects. The college teachers came to work: Raw MI, stirring AA, Yakovleva KM, Makeyev GD.
Doctors Akhunova GD, GA Anekeeva, Karagubenova LA, Karpov, Veklenko LG, Skachko ZM worked at this time in our school as teachers
Becoming and school development, a high level of training graduates provide these teachers. They all enjoyed universal recognition, prestige and the deserved love of students.
From 1965-1974 year there were prepared: 1 candidate for master of sports, athletes -І 8 th rank, 67 athletes -ІІ of rank. For success in the sporting life of the school was awarded a diploma and a pennant of the Central Council DSO “Spartak” and pennant Kaz trade union.
In 1973 he introduced a new tradition – “Dedication to students.” Dedication was held in a festive atmosphere.
On May 16, 1973 order of the director of the school number 213 was assigned Nuralin S T, who has worked in this position until March 10, 1977.
In April 1974, the school moved to a new building at st. Karl Liebknecht, 20. In the first 3 floors of the five-story building housed the educational building, on the 4th, 5th floor – hostel.
During these years, the teaching staff increased by 25 persons. After finishing the medical institute young doctors came to college to work as teachers: Menyakina LB, Sokolova LI, Abylhatova GG, Baynekeshova SU, Ahmetkireeva GI
Further development of the college was under the supervision of the Director Mironova AV Alla Valentinovna Mironov came to the college in 1977 and led the college until March 1999. Over the years, Mironova AV He created a team with high creativity.
1978 Dental office was opened in college. From the practical public health full-time teachers came to work: Tigranian RH, Puzikova LP, Dubinsky VI, VN Pastukhov
During these years a large role in the education of pupils belonged to the Party, YCL and trade union organizations to college. For several years he headed the trade union organization Kobylnikova LM, Komsomol organization – Iskazina RR, party – Yakovleva KM Public organizations have paid great attention to ideological, labor education of students, the organization of life, rehabilitation, rest the student population.
From 1975- 1984 year led the educational process Mambetov ZT Methodical cabinet in different years headed Mishchenko VI, Ahmetkireeva GI, Nurkina RI
Since 1984, a great contribution to the improvement of the educational process in the college contributes Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Ahmetkireeva Gulbanu Ibraevna.
Since the mid-80y of the twentieth century institution developing especially actively, creating new traditions, gaining credibility in the medical community. Teaching staff colleges – are creative enterprising people who have a lot and are actively working with the students, developing their sense of high responsibility in the performance of professional and public affairs, striving for perfection, love for the profession. The special contribution made by these creative teachers Smykalov VA, Baynekeshova SU, Tolybaeva BS, Abylhatova GG, Isimova AE, Eleshova KK, Puzikova, Tuleuova AB, Sokolova LI, M Kuzdybaeva .With, Temirkulov DS
Human resources of the college is the high . Training of specialists are lead more than 70 full-time teachers. Of these marks awarded “Excellent Health” Tigranian RH, SN Makarova, Sapozhinsky R.F, Ahmetkireeva GI, KM Isalieva
1990 medical and laboratory department was opened. From 1990 to 2000, it has trained over 250 qualified professionals.
1994: according to the results of the certification it received the status of the college of the Ministry of Health’s order.
In terms of the labor market has changed, not only the content of education, but also the content of the concept of “profession”.
At the fore are not ready-made set of skills and activities – organized by the human ability to grow in the profession, the ability to analyze their skills, to quickly create precise skills, discover and learn new knowledge and professional areas in accordance with the changing requirements of the market situation.
The new society needed a new formation in which emphasis will be placed not only on the professionalism of the future expert, but also on the overall level of education.
Further development of the College required by the team of great stress, as they do not disappear the problem of financing, improving training facilities, training and methodological support, recruitment of teaching staff.
In March 1999, the director of the college Mironova Alla Valentinovna was released from his post in connection with his retirement.
The post of director was appointed Mantayev Abrahman Kuanovich.
Under the leadership of AK Mantaev at a difficult time, when everything was collapsing more rapidly than was produced, a huge repairs of educational building was made: have been renovated and equipped rooms, laboratories, auditoriums, the reconstruction of some buildings and the facade of the building.
In order to strengthen the material base provides area available for sports brought in line with the curriculum for physical education.
The college has an assembly hall, a library, a dining room, a dormitory for 150 seats. To establish a Health Center work is underway
In 2000, the college employed more than 60 full-time teachers, of which the highest category – 30, with the first category – 22.
In 2000, the College provides training in the following specialties:
• midwifery (Kazakh and Russian departments)
• Nursing (Kazakh and Russian departments)
• Medicine (Kazakh and Russian departments)
• Hygiene and Epidemiology (Russian branch)
• Laboratory diagnostics (Russian branch)
• Dentistry (Russian branch)
• Pharmacy (Russian branch)
Duration of training 1 year 10 months.
Recruit on the basis of 9 classes by function:
• Medicine (Kazakh and Russian departments)
• midwifery (Kazakh and Russian departments)
• Orthopedic Dentistry (Russian branch)
Over a period of study of 3 years 2 months.
Since 2002, the training is conducted in accordance with state general educational standards of secondary vocational education of Kazakhstan.
Highly qualified teaching staff provide a high enough level of professional training of students. Teachers College is widely implemented in the educational pattern during the forms and methods of active learning: role-playing, simulation of production situation, competitions for the best knowledge of the subject. A big contribution to training the teachers have: Evstigneev VI, Tolybaeva BS, SG Ishchenko, Nurkina RI, Abdildaeva GL, MR Rayymbaeva, Taldykbaeva GM, comforting E.U, Mr. Sharov .and, Dementievskaya NV, Kulamanova ZH.T, Subkhankulovo NG
On the basis of the medical college works department training health workers, where the annual average health care workers are professional retraining.
In 2001, a team led by Vadim Yugay.
The bottom line is the planning and the use of various means of financial strategy, methods of its implementation made it possible to improve the material and technical base of the college, to improve the system of information support of the educational process.
Teaching college team prepared to publish 25 papers on special and general subjects. In RUMTS presented 17 works, including 7 in the Kazakh language. Of these, 8 editions recommended solution RUMTS MOH for publication.
1. Textbook “dentures fabrication technique” – the authors Shestakov VN, V. Petukhov
2. Textbook “Fundamentals of orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry,” the authors Ugryumova YV, Ugryumova LN
3. The manual “Methods of clinical and laboratory research” – the author Dementievskaya NV
4. Textbook “Health and social ecology ” – the authors Sagnaeva G.SH, Boleeva JA
5. “A set of tests on the basis of pharmacology ” – the authors Baynekeshova SU
College teachers participated in the regional methodological seminar in University by Baisheva.
In college study circles with the introduction of elements of research work. So health club, led by teacher Narikbaeva MU I spent a lot of work on the analysis of the impact of harmful substances on the health of the workers in the factories and AZHS AFP. Circle members have collected a lot of material and conducted an open circle meeting.
Students who have artistic talents involved in competitions in schools, at city and college regional events.
In 2001, a committee for youth affairscreated in college. Published regularly student newspaper “Shipager” are published.
College athletes are actively involved in local, regional and national competitions held by State Sports Committee. The following figures: in the sports contest among colleges-s Basketball Women – 3rd place, on cross-country race – yunoshi- 3rd place, girls – 4th place, table tennis women – 2nd place, volleyball girl – 3rd place.
College participated actively on the implementation of measures “Year of Health” in 2002. commercial tournament was held with the Co-operative College. Open championship on the President’s all-round conducted among the staff and students of the college.
In 2004, the college expanded library area up to 92 m2, there is a reading room with 40 seats. Library stock increased to 31,705 copies (28,340 in 2000). Enrolments at the beginning of the 2003-2004 school year was 1087.
From year to year to maintain close ties with the city and the area health facilities. In this academic year, the college organized volunteer movement to help lonely and elderly people together with the social assistance center of the city. Student club “Syrlasu” was created. Group KVN “Adrenaline” took part in the competition among colleges and was awarded the Honorary Diploma of akim of region. Student club “Mercy” also works. Diverse, intense work on the education of youth, leisure college are the students – it is a merit deputy director on educational work – Tolybaeva BS organization of actions of charity, various fairs, dance evenings – this is an incomplete list of activities. Extensive work is carried out on the development of healthy lifestyles among employees and college students.
Every year, college is living your busy life, trying to keep pace with the times.
Since September 2010, the college is headed Simbatov TK – Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Currently, the college teachers participate in a variety of regional, city events, seminars. In college work study circles with the introduction of elements of research work Every year, college living your busy life, trying to keep pace with the times.
From October 2012 on the position of Director of Aktobe Medical College enters PhD, associate professor, a surgeon of the highest category – Kuzbakov Mazhit Hamitovich. The period of work the college director gave a new impetus to the development of college. It was officially purchased by three-storey building on the street Asau Barak. After major repairs on the first floor there is an educational building, on the second and third floors of the hostel is located on 150 seats equipped with the modern requirements.
Updated equipment cabinets to improve the quality of knowledge and objectivity in the assessment of knowledge and skills of graduates entered simulation rooms.
A new method of receiving the final exams for OSKE systemintroduced, implemented replenishment training facilities, contracts with medical institutions onintroduction of dual training, made up of distance learning for nurses in the training room, on the ground floor of the main building is open Dental cabinetequipped with the latest technology In connection with the implementation of reforms in the nursing process according to the SES in 2013, the college is preparing to release a specialty “The younger nurse care”, and qualified for the preparation of this specialty are developed regulations on opening clinics Hospice.
In the 2014-2015 school year it was made the reception of applicants for the specialty “Masseur” visually impaired. It was an agreement on long-term cooperation with ZKGMU by .M.Ospanova. It is planned opening of a regional simulation center at the Aktobe Medical College.
SCCE «Aktobe higher medical college named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova» successfully passed accreditation in 2021.
- Institutional accreditation
II.Specialized accreditation for seven educational programs:
09120100 «Nursing»
09130100 «Curative Affair»
09130200 «Obstetrics»
09110100 «Dentistry»
09140100 «Laboratory diagnostics»
09160100 «Pharmacy»
09110200 “Orthopedic dentistry”
Following the results of the meeting of the Accreditation Council of the State Unitary Enterprise “Aktobe higher medical college named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova” the state institution of the Health Department of the Aktobe region, Akimat of the Aktobe region, passed the institutional (certificate №IA–B №0170 dated 12/25/2021) and specialized (certificate № SA–B №150/1-3 from 25.12.2021) accreditation by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) for a period of 5 years
SCCE “Aktobe higher medical college named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova” has passed the State Certification as an educational organization implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education in the field of healthcare and has been certified until 2027 by Order №46 of 20.01.2023 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
College directors

Batura G.P.

Vlasova V.S.

Nuralina S.H.

Mironova A.V.

Mantayev A.K.

Yugay V.N.

Simbatov T.K.