Pedagogical Council 4

On March 30, 2023, a pedagogical council was held at the college.  The following issues were heard and discussed on the agenda: Results of the


Pedagogical Council №3

On January 31, 2023, a pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council: Analysis


Pedagogical Council N2

On November 30, 2022, a pedagogical council was held at the college.  The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council: Measures


«Employer’s Day»

On 11th November 2022, in the Aktobe High Medical College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova, in organizations of technical and


Pedagogical Council № 1

On September 05, 2022, a pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council: Message
