On 11th November 2022, in the Aktobe High Medical College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova, in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, in order to train, improve the quality of personnel, and further effective interaction with employers, the «Employer’s Day» was celebrated in the Republic.

In the event was attended the chief physician of the SCCE on the REM «City Polyclinic №3» Narmukhamedov Zh.K., the chief physician of the SCE on the REM «Multipurpose Emergency Hospital» S.T. Kapanov, the chief physician of the SCE on the REM «City Polyclinic №7» Kozhin N.N., Chief Physician of the State Enterprise on the REM «Aktobe Medical Center» Sultangereev E.B., Chief Physician of the State Enterprise on the REM «Regional Children’s Dental Polyclinic» Zhiengazy N.O., Director of the TC «Pharm» Turekhanova Zh.Zh., Chief doctor of the Aktobe regional blood center Netalina G.Zh., the chief physician of the State Enterprise «Regional Station of Emergency and Emergency Medical Care» at the REM Zhankulov M.Kh. College graduates were also invited as the main guests.

            For the guests were given a tour of the simulation rooms of the college. Master classes were held in the specialties «Curative Affair», «Nursing», «Pharmacy», «Dentistry», «Laboratory Diagnostics», «Obstetrics». А round table was organized with social partners, director Kuzbakov M.Kh. opened the event with a welcoming speech in the assembly hall of the college.

Deputy Director of the Aktobe Regional Center for the Development of Nursing Alipova Z.S made a presentation on the topic «The role of social partnership in improving the quality of training of competitive specialists».

For graduation groups a «vacancy fair» was organized and meetings were held with employers in specialties.

During the evening, the best employers were awarded by the letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a letter of thanks from the Department of Education of the Aktobe region, a letter of thanks from the Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken», a badge for their contribution to the field of education.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой