A meeting of the Coordinating Council was held

On August 28, 2021, a regular meeting of the Coordination Council was held at the Nursing Development Center of the Aktobe region. The meeting of the Coordinating Council was attended by the head and head nurses of the city offline and the head nurses of the districts online.And also the chief specialist of the department of health care, medicine and prevention of the Aktobe region A.D. Trzhanova, who spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of the region in the field of health care and the need to reappoint the position of coordinator of nursing in the regional health department, as indicated in the roadmap “The Trinity of Education, Science and Practice in Nursing”.At a meeting of the Coordinating Council, the director of the college M. Kuzbakov set the task of increasing the number of nurses (studying in applied and academic undergraduate programs) to 40% under the current State Program for Healthcare Development. Kazakhstan for 2020-2025.Kalyan I.V., chairman of the Association of mid-level workers of the Aktobe region, Rybakova V.V., a freelance specialist in nursing of the Aktobe region, gave a report on their work for six months

The Chairman of the Coordination Council informed about the upcoming events.At the meeting of the Coordination Council in connection with the transfer of the freelance chief nurse to the district hospital, a teacher with an academic bachelor’s degree from the Aktobe Regional Center for Nursing Development, Chairman of the Coordination Council A.A. Abdusheva was unanimously re-elected

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой