The job fair

The job fair is held annually within the walls of the college in order to identify the personnel needs of the labor market, to establish relations with employers and social partners, as well as to promote the employment of graduates. The main goal is to assist in the employment of college graduates. The college’s Alumni Assistance Service tracks the fate of each graduate and seeks to help find employment. The college constantly concludes memoranda of cooperation with medical organizations and pharmaceutical companies, expands the base of practice for students. This year our college graduates 425 graduates in the following specialties: «Nursing medicine», «Pharmacy», «Laboratory diagnostics», «Dentistry». In connection with the pandemic in our country, on June 2, 2021, a job fair was held in the form of an online conference through the ZOOM platform. Within a few hours, students were able to get acquainted with representatives of the city’s leading medical organizations, find out about available vacancies and working conditions, leave their resume online and arrange an interview. 

For example, city polyclinics of GP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and hospitals needed district nurses, in addition, district hospitals such as Uilskaya, Khromtau, Aitekebi, Alginskaya, Embinskaya, Irgizskaya, Mugalzharskaya RB needed nurses, paramedics, midwives and laboratory assistants. The regional children’s dental clinic, Dana-Dental LLP, Dynasty dentistry were looking for nurses and dentists. 50 paramedics are required in “Ambulance” LLP. The fair was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defense, chief doctors, personnel departments, chief nurses including the city polyclinic No. 1, 2,3,4, 5,6, Family Medicine Clinic, Ambulance Hospital , MC “Shipager”, Regional Perinatal Center, Center for Family Medicine, LLP “TTiK”, LLP “Dana-Dental”, MC “Medicare Ilek”, Dynasty Dentistry, Clinic “Daru”, Aktobemedicalcentre, Regional Pediatric Dentistry, LLP ” Ambulance “, Aitekebi RB, Algin RB, Uilskaya RB, Mugalzhar RB, Martuk RB, Temir RB, Kargalinskaya RB, Khromtau RB, Irgiz RB, Khobdinskaya RB, Shalkar RB, Embinskaya GB and others as well as students of graduation groups.ьDuring the event, employers familiarized those present with the nature, working conditions at their medical organizations, the requirements for personnel, and career prospects.ьGraduates, in turn, prepared their CVs; in the course of the dialogue, they asked questions to employers, exchanged information regarding employment issues.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой