Regional championship "WorldSkills Aktobe - 2021" in the competence "Pharmaceuticals"

The regional championship “WorldSkills Aktobe – 2021” in the competence “Pharmaceuticals” was held at the college from April 13 to April 14, 2021. At the opening ceremony, the director of the college Kuzbakov Mazhit Khamitovich, the methodologist of the Regional Methodological Center of the Department of Education Kulseitova Gulnaz Amirbekovna wished the participants success and luck. The championship was attended by students of the third year of the department “Pharmacy”: Bazarova Shyryn, Baimbetova Zhadyra, Kusainova Zarina The working group included experts and specialists in the field of the professional module “Pharmaceuticals”. Nurzhigitova Gulbarshin Tuleshеvna – director of the Aktobe branch of Amanat LLP – chief expert Zhabagieva Omirgul Dauletkalievna pharmacist-expert of Aktobe medical center Kaldybaeva N.K., Karagaeva L.U., Nurzhanova R.G. – teachers of special disciplines at the CMC “Pharmacy” Competition tasks, which consisted of three separate modules and their technical characteristics, were reviewed and recommended by a commission established at the Regional Department of Education. 1. Reception, control, storage of medicinal products, medicinal herbal raw materials and pharmaceutical goods 2. Manufacturing of medicines according to prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations 3. Pharmaceutical consulting for consumers, distribution of medicinal products, medicinal herbal raw materials and other products of the pharmacy range to the population. The participants were able to show their skills and abilities in all the specified modules of the competence “Pharmaceuticals”

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой