Defense of the thesis

From 12 to 19 February 2021 in accordance with the State Standard of Compulsory Education in the specialty “Nursing Affair” qualification “Applied Bachelor of Nursing” groups 208, 209, 210, 221 held the final certification for the defense of dissertations, 77 students defended their dissertations. Chairman of the Commission for the defense of the thesis: Zh.Dostanova – Master of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Deputy Chairman of the Department of Public Health and Health “WKSU named after Marat Ospanov” specialty: “Nursing Affair”: G.Eskazina – Deputy Director for Methodological Work, Double Master’s degree in “Nursing Affair” “Kazakhstan-Finland”, members of the commission: A. Beknazarova – Head of the clinical and diagnostic department of SCE “Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary” on REU, B. Shuitbayeva – Senior Pediatric Center of SCE “City Polyclinic” Nurse, Zh. Kiyakbayeva – Chief Nurse of SCE “Emergency Hospital” on REM, G. Aripova – Leading Nurse of the polytrauma department of SCE on REM “Emergency Hospital”. Students successfully defended their dissertations on “Actual problems of nursing” and were sent to an independent examination.

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой