The Republican contest « The best Pharmacist-2019»

 The Republican contest «The best Pharmacist-2019» was held in Taraz. The aim formation of a positive image of  pharmacists, increase interest in the profession, defermine the best pharmacist. The compertition was aftended from 16 regions. Whish consisted of  2 stages,  test, practical skills in the organization and economies of  pharmacy with the basies of pharmacology and pharmacoghosy.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой

The student of our college Anastasia  Dernach was awarded in the nomination <<The best Pharmucist>>

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой