IV republican scientific-practical conference for students

From 25 to 27 October this year in Shymkent of “international Fund for support of pedagogical creativity and development of science” Together with South Kazakhstan state University.Auezov held the IV Republican scientific-practical conference for students and young scientists.

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The conference was attended by students of our College, who carried out their research in various areas. All present students have won prizes. Grand Prix received a student of the Department “Nursing” Zhaksygali Aidan ;  1st place went to student of Nursing Edilova Laura;

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2nd place-student of” Dentistry “Malik Adam, a student branch of” medicine “Zharkyn rope, students of the Department” Nursing ” Sabyrova Nurbakyt ,Kanatova Langl.III place were awarded diplomas and cups student of the Department” Medical care “Shonanov Rustam, a student of the Department” Nursing “Abdikalikova Feruza, a student of the Department” Laboratory diagnostics “Kadirova Dinara, a student of the Department” Dentistry ” Almukhanova Adelina. The conference ended with a tour dedicated to the presentation of the city of Shymkent.

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