Educational open lesson with parents on the topic “My profession is my future”
Head of the department “Nurse affair” Tleulesova V.I. and phychologist Arenova M, the member of parents committee Sadykova G and 203 “Nurse affair” organized open educational lesson with parents on the topic “My profession is my future”.

The meeting was attended by deputy director on educational work Samal Musaevna, members of the parent committee Nurlan Izdenovich

In during of exchange of opinions the parents of college decided some questions: to acquaint parents with internal order of college, active participation in events of college, how educate students together, direction students on stand good specialists, participation in public works in college, how we can provide safe road, how we can protect our students from unconventional religious flows, what kind of work need to carry out on the rate of program sight in the future: modernization of public consciousness.