Dedication to the students
The traditional event “Dedication to the students” for the first-year students of the Aktobe Higher Medical College named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova was held solemnly and brightly.

The special feature of this event is taking the students in the ranks of the first-year students in the specialty “Nursing Affair “of the qualification “Applied Bachelor”, also students by specialty “Orthopedic stomatology” for the weak hearing and hearing disabled. Representatives of practical public health, parents, veterans and other guests came to congratulate the freshmen.

The director of the college M.Kh.Kuzbakov opened the ceremony. He congratulated the first-year students with this important event, wished a successful study and unforgettable student life.

The students of senior courses presented freshmen with symbolic “student’s record books”, “student ID”, “a book of knowledge.” First-year students took the Oath of a student of the Medical College and performed the College Hymn.