«Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology»

On the 3th of  April , 2018 year in the CMK «Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology» held a reginal conference. On the theme  modern aspects and treatment

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Purpose round of table: Introduction of the prohram of the Ministry  of Health of RK «Densaulik» 2016-2020 Informing  modern aspects and treatment of burns and burn disease.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой

The  purpose round of table introduction programs of the Health    the Republic of Kazakstan informing on  modern aspects and treatment of burns and burn disease. The round of  table  has  united  around this theme along with teachers  of Cyclic methodical  committee «Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology  average medical personal of the city and area.

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They have shared experience and told  about specifics of treatment  and care of patients with different types of  burns.In conclusion of a round table the master class by teasher  of CMK on a theme: the rule pf conduct has been given at the fires what especially relevant recently

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