Inter-college scientific-practical conference of the students
In the 2018 year of the 15-17th of the March was held inter-college scientific practical conference by the students . The purpose of the conference: formation of scientific views, determining the ability and interest of the students to the science.

The students defended scientific research work and the preparation of the exhibit showed the following results :
General humanities and general professional subjects (disciplines):
I-place –Ahmetzhanova Aigerim 207 “Nursing affair” from the “Nature and Humanity” circle, the leader is Abilova A.
II-place- Tanatarova Kenzhe 103 “Nursing affair” from the “Physics and astronomy” circle, the leader is Aimagambetova A.
III-place- Saginbaeva Aruzhan 304 “Nursing affair” from the “Pathologial anatomy” circle, the leader is Kozahmetova A.

Special disciplines:
I-place –Abdicalikizy Zarina 314 “Nursing affair” from the “Surgery” circle, the leader is Kanalina B.
II-place- Zhonisova Begaim 307 “Nursing affair” from the “Childhood diseases” circle, the leader is Iliasova G.
III-place- Nazhim Aslanbek 317 “Laboratory diagnostics” from the “Health and ecology” circle, the leader is Ibrash A.

In preparation of the exhibit for the exhibition:
By nomination “The best exhibit”
1) the circle of “Physics and astronomy”, the leader is Aimagambetova A.
2) the circle of“Surgery” the leader is Kanalina B.
By the nomination “The best illustrated exhibit”
1) the circle of “Young writer”the leader is Adisova N.
2) the circle of “Pharmacy”the leader is Nurzhanova R.