Worldskills Championship in Pharmacy

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой   On March 3, 2020 year, the 2nd Worldskills Intra College Championship in pharmacy competency was held. The participants of the championship performed tasks in conditions as close as possible to reality, while they showed a good level of professional training and the provision of quality service. The experts of the championship are the head of the pharmaceutical inspectorate department of the RSU of the Department for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Aktobe Region Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yelubaeva DM, Director of Amanat LLP Nurzhigitova G.T., pharmacist of SSU  KChS Ministry of Internal Affairs RK Romanenko Zh.B. According to the results of the championship, Tuselova Nursulu became the owner of the Grand Prix, Aida Khasenova took the first place, Milleni Korganbaeva took the second place, Arailym Zhanabergenova and Uldana Kulbaeva shared the third place. The winners of the championship received a ticket to the regional championship. The Worldskills Championships made it possible to once again enhance the professional knowledge and skills of the participants.

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой
Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой