For "World Mental Health Day," held a meeting with the medical staff
Future health professionals and social organization of educational work, which predisposed to high culture, morals, tempered by the high intellectual and civic education of young people teaching organizational and information conditions.

The students of groups 202, 212 “Nursing”, 213 “Laboratory diagnosis” were active. 12 september it was the first meeting of the club, the club plan approved by the deputy director for educational work. October 3 “World Day against alcoholism” 10 October “World Mental Health Day”, held a meeting with the medical staff. Regional drug treatment clinic doctor expert in narcology- – Beketova Saule Mukhtarovna read a report on the theme “Alcoholism and mental health” and give statistical information to students through video films about alcoholism finally showed on specific examples the result of it. During the meeting doctor expert in narcology was asked questions, the meeting took place at a good level

The students of groups 202, 212 “Nursing”, 213 “Laboratory diagnosis” were active. 12 september it was the first meeting of the club, the club plan approved by the deputy director for educational work. October 3 “World Day against alcoholism” 10 October “World Mental Health Day”, held a meeting with the medical staff. Regional drug treatment clinic doctor expert in narcology- – Beketova Saule Mukhtarovna read a report on the theme “Alcoholism and mental health” and give statistical information to students through video films about alcoholism finally showed on specific examples the result of it. During the meeting doctor expert in narcology was asked questions, the meeting took place at a good level