From 30.09.15
- Report on “Family is the foundation of education”
- Introducing to parents about the internal regulations of the college
- Selection of the parent committee
- Introducing to parents the Law against Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The deputy director on educational work Tazhibayeva S.M. said about the 1st issue:
The main value of the society is a human. According to president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. the man is the essential importance of the community. The society with versatile developed people has a huge future, and the future is our young generation. It is a key reason why there is an extensive concern about education of young people. They must be well educated about patriotism, humanity, culture and mutual respect. Obviously, the basic education starts from the cradle. Every parent should be a great example for their children in each questions like behaviour, relationship to others and humaneness.
The head of the department Zhunussova L.S has performed the 2nd question:
She congratulated all parents with the beginning of the school year andacquainted with the internal regulations of the college:
– The student must attend all classes according to the schedule;
– The student must abide by the rules of the internal regulations of the college;
– The student must behave properly in public places;
– The student should not attend places of entertainment at night.
After that parents filled out receipts of familiarity with the internal regulations of the college, and their responsibility for the lives of their children after school.
The head of the department Zhunussova L.S has talked about the 3rd issue:
The following persons have been nominated in the composition of the parent committee:
1. 101 group- Kudaibergenov Irina-mother ofAynurAmangoskyzy -Chairman
2. 109 group- Egorova Galina –Mother ofMatygulovoyAnargul
3. 112 group- ZhalmuhanovaZaure –Mother ofSeylhankyzy Albina
The deputy director on educational work Tazhibayeva S.M. said about the 4thissue:
The official law against the corruption of RK №267 released on July 2, 1998. The purpose of the law is to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, to prevent corrupt activities of citizens, to detect acts of corruption and to fight. However, the college is constantly working with the aim of not assumptions of corruption. We strongly recommend to prevent your children from such actions. In the college we have our trust box and special helpline.
At the end of the session the following issues fully covered:
- “Family is the foundation of education”
- Following the internal college regulations by students
- To approve the composition of the parent committee
- Preventing acts of corruption of teachers and students within the department.