Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой

Happy New Year!

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук Маметовой

Pedagogical Council №1

On September 13, 2023, the pedagogical council №1 of the new academic year was held at the college. The following issues were considered and discussed

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«Дара жол»

On 8th September in a solemn atmosphere Kuzbakov Mazhit Hamitovich was escorted to his well-deserved rest, he was director of the Aktobe Higher Medical College

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Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук МаметовойCollege director
Kapanov S. T.

Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук МаметовойThe flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук МаметовойCoat of Arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Имени героя Советского Союза Маншук МаметовойNational anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan