Regional championship “WorldSkills Aktobe – 2021” in the competence “Pharmaceuticals”

Regional championship "WorldSkills Aktobe - 2021" in the competence "Pharmaceuticals" The regional championship "WorldSkills Aktobe - 2021" in the competence "Pharmaceuticals" was held at the college from April 13 to…

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Participation of students in the II International scientific and practical conference

Participation of students in the II International scientific and practical conference On 31.03.2021, students of the college took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Results of scientific…

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Pedagogical Council №4

Pedagogical Council №4 30 наурыз  2021жылы  колледжде онлайн режимде кезекті педагогикалық кеңес болып өтті.Педагогикалық кеңесте  күн тәртібіндегі төмендегідей  мәселелер тыңдалып, талқыланды:1. 9 сынып негізіндегі  «Медбикелік іс»  бөлімінің  жұмыстарын  тексеру  қорытындысы…

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Intracollege championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan Aktobe-2021″ on the competence ” Medical and social care»

Intracollege championship "WorldSkills Kazakhstan Aktobe-2021" on the competence " Medical and social care» From March 25 to March 27, within the walls of the Aktobe Higher Medical College named after…

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Intra-College Championship of the WorldSkills Aktobe-2021 within the competence “Pharmaceuticals”.

Intra-College Championship of the WorldSkills Aktobe-2021 within the competence "Pharmaceuticals". The traditional event is organized for the third time this year on March 25-27. The purpose of the championship is…

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Awarding diplomas to qualified graduates of the specialty “Nursing Affair” “Bachelor of Applied Nursing

Awarding diplomas to qualified graduates of the specialty "Nursing Affair" "Bachelor of Applied Nursing On the 12th   of March, 2021, a solemn graduation ceremony of the second graduates of the…

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As part of the action “30 charitable deeds”, timed to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the action "30 charitable deeds", timed to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the action “30 charitable deeds”,…

Continue ReadingAs part of the action “30 charitable deeds”, timed to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.