Olympiad winners
Olympiad winners 99 students of Aktobe Higher medical college named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova took part in the Republic “Hippocrates” distance Olympiad held among medical…
Olympiad winners 99 students of Aktobe Higher medical college named after the hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova took part in the Republic “Hippocrates” distance Olympiad held among medical…
Open week on the theme "The future through the eyes of youth" From november 12 to november 17,2018 by the teaches of the Social and Economic discilines SMK,the head of …
The open week CMC "special disciplines №1" In the period from the 29thof October to 3rdof November in 2018, the CMC “Special Disciplines №1” held an open week, where LLMIK…
“I love you, Life” The 10Th of November was organized event by the head of “Stomatology” department Tobazhanova R.R. which “I love you, Life”. Features of the event: 1.Arouse interest and…
IV republican scientific-practical conference for students From 25 to 27 October this year in Shymkent of "international Fund for support of pedagogical creativity and development of science" Together with South…
Supervisoru board elected On october 30, the meeting of the Supervisory Board. Organized by Kuzbakov.M director of the Aktobe Higher Medical College named Mametova Manshuk, Hero of the soviet Union…
The open subject week on the theme “Knowledge of three languages is the key to the future” During the 22-27-th of October the open subject week on the theme “Knowledge…
Meeting with a narcologist On October 26, in Aktobe Higher Medical College named after the hero of the Soviet Union M. Mametova, among the first-year students of the Department of…
Global Conference on Primary Health Care!
The meeting on prevention of minor offences among juvenile students On the 25-th of October in the department of “Curative Affair” a meeting was held on the theme of the…