Pedagogical Council №5

Pedagogical Council №5 28 мая 2021 года в колледже в режиме онлайн состоялся очередной педагогический совет. На педагогическом совете были заслушаны и обсуждены следующие вопросы повестки дня:1.Анализ работы отделения по специальности…

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“The role of breathing exercises in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of coronavirus infection”

"The role of breathing exercises in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of coronavirus infection" The teachers of the CMC "General educational disciplines" held the traditional event…

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Regional championship “WorldSkills Aktobe – 2021” in the competence “Pharmaceuticals”

Regional championship "WorldSkills Aktobe - 2021" in the competence "Pharmaceuticals" The regional championship "WorldSkills Aktobe - 2021" in the competence "Pharmaceuticals" was held at the college from April 13 to…

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Participation of students in the II International scientific and practical conference

Participation of students in the II International scientific and practical conference On 31.03.2021, students of the college took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Results of scientific…

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