Pedagogical Council N2
On November 30, 2022, a pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council:Measures to improve the quality of public servicesEmployment…
On November 30, 2022, a pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council:Measures to improve the quality of public servicesEmployment…
On 11th November 2022, in the Aktobe High Medical College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova, in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, in order…
Сompetition for the appointment of a nominal scholarship "Hero of the Soviet Union named after Manshuk Mametova" click on the link
On September 05, 2022, a pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council: Message of the Head of State…
On June 30, 2022, the next pedagogical council was held at the college. The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council:2021-report of the Supervisory Board on the…
On the basis of the Aktobe Medical Center On May 12, 2022, a conference dedicated to the International Day of Nurses organized by the regional Center for the Development of…
Regional competition "The best nurse-2022" On April 22, 2022, on the basis of the simulation center of Aktobe Higher Medical College named after Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova,…
Transfer to a grant On January 21, a competition was announced for the vacant vacancies under the state order. Based on the order of the Minister of Education and Science…
Pedagogical Council №3 On January 31, 2022, the next pedagogical council was held at the college.The following agenda items were heard and discussed at the Pedagogical Council:Analysis of attendance and…
Master class "Emergency care in pediatrics" In January CRSD JSC with the participation of specially trained teachers was held a master class on the theme: "Emergency care in Pediatrics" for…