«Алғысқа ие, Қазақ елі»
«Алғысқа ие, Қазақ елі» On Thanksgiving day an event was organized «Алғысқа ие, Қазақ елі» At this event, representatives of different nationalitiesdemonstrated songs in their native languages and dances.
«Алғысқа ие, Қазақ елі» On Thanksgiving day an event was organized «Алғысқа ие, Қазақ елі» At this event, representatives of different nationalitiesdemonstrated songs in their native languages and dances.
«The role of parents in the upbringing of children and their relationship with the college» The dean of the «Nursing affair» department of the base of 9th grade Zh. A. Bisenbina…
“The best nurse – 2018” Of February 28 in 2018, the “ The Best Nurse “ competition took place in the “Nursing “ department. The purpose of the competition: to…
"Era of Independence" On February 23, 2018 there was held presentation and discussion of the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Era of Independence" at the library…
Astana is a dream city On February 16, Manshuk Mametova, Aktobe medical college named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, organized by the Committee on Youth Affairs and the…
A healthy body in a healthy mind On February 9 Aktobe medical college named after Manshuk Mametova organized a sports event and "A healthy body in a healthy mind"The purpose…
«Brain-ring» On January 16-23, 2018, the regional creative contest of students on the topic "Astana-the heart of the country" was held, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana, organized by…
«My profession – my future» Pharmacy section group 221 was organized the educational ours regarding «My profession – my future».The aim of the event was increasing interest for the future…
My profession - is my pride! "Pharmacy" was on open educational hour "Мy profession - is my pride" organized team leader Nurzhanova R.by students of 318 groups. Purpose of the…